How to detect kidney disease early?The doctor summed up the symptoms that had to go to the hospital

As the stress of life increases, chronic diseases often occur, but even so.Most people still don't have the time or don't bother to check it, but with the following combination symptoms...Go ahead!
Tired and wet with urine
There are too many people feeling tired now, so it is hard to find the slight, but after a lot of rest and relaxation, it is not normal to feel tired.If at this stage toilet still has not easy to dissipate the urine foam, compare big likelihood is the body expend a lot of protein and add not come back, the body that causes is exhausted.
The night and the complexion are yellowed
In addition to the elderly, most people don't always start the night.Because kidneys also affect hematopoietic function, people with bad kidneys may turn yellow.
A poor appetite for back pain
Got the kidney disease is eat not sweet, as to back pain, kidney is the kidneys, if kidney problems, the waist of the protein may also follow loss, and combined with symptoms of bad appetite, it will make a great chance.
Nausea and vomiting, bad breath (except for a thousand years), itching and headaches
After all, it's the upgrade of the above symptoms, and you can't say anything at this time, and your life savings may be lost because it could be a uremia.
If it's not easy to get to the hospital, it might be awkward, because I don't know what to do.
First of all, the urine routine can be done, and the hospital is like the comprehensive point above.Usually the blood routine is done together, and the two terms add up to less than one hundred, and if you just look at kidney disease, that's enough.But do not check a year or two, just for a few more, so can check plus basic signs, chest radiograph, colour to exceed, electrocardiogram (ecg) it will be about, price or around it.
In fact, it is the most cost-effective to have a physical examination. First, whether there is kidney disease or any other, it is easy to find the treatment.Second, the cost of a medical check-up is nothing compared to the high cost of treatment.
