What are the hazards and complications of nephrotic syndrome

What is nephrotic syndrome? What is the effect of nephrotic syndrome on patient health? Nephrotic syndrome is caused by a variety of causes, with a large number of proteinuria, hypoproteinemia, a high degree of edema as a common symptom. Nephrotic syndrome can occur at any age, with children between 1 and 4 years of age being more common. So severe nephrotic syndrome? What harm does it have? The following is a look at the introduction of experts it
Nephrotic syndrome is harmful to our body?
1, long-term hypoproteinemia can lead to malnutrition, pediatric growth and development retardation;
2, reduced immunoglobulin caused by low immunity, easy to cause infection;
3, the loss of metal-binding protein can cause trace elements (iron, copper, zinc, etc.) lack;
4, endocrine binding protein deficiency can induce endocrine disorders (low T3 syndrome, etc.);
5, drug-binding protein reduction may affect the pharmacokinetics of certain drugs (plasma free drug concentration increased, excretion accelerated), affecting drug efficacy;
6, hyperlipidemia increased blood viscosity, promote thrombosis, embolism complications, will also increase the cardiovascular system complications, and may promote glomerular sclerosis and renal tubular lesions occur, promote kidney disease Chronic progress.
What are the complications of nephrotic syndrome?
(1) infection: due to a large number of immunoglobulin loss from the urine, plasma protein decreased, the impact of antibody formation of adrenal cortex hormones and cytotoxic drugs, so that patients with systemic resistance decreased, prone to infection, such as skin infections, Peritonitis, respiratory infections, urinary tract infections, and even induced sepsis.
(2) coronary heart disease:. Nephrotic syndrome patients often hyperlipidemia and hypercoagulable state of blood, so prone to coronary heart disease was reported in patients with nephrotic syndrome, the incidence of myocardial infarction than normal 8 times the coronary heart disease has become the cause of death of nephrotic syndrome, the third Factors (second only to infection and renal failure).
(3) thrombosis: nephrotic syndrome patients prone to thrombosis, especially the incidence of membranous nephropathy up to 25% to 40%. The formation of thrombosis causes edema, the patient activity less, venous stasis, high blood lipids, blood concentration to increase the viscosity, fibrinogen content is too high and v, vii, 竇キ, X factor increased and the use of adrenal cortex hormones and blood prone High coagulation state and so on.
(4) acute renal failure: nephrotic syndrome in patients with a large number of proteinuria, hypoproteinemia, hyperlipidemia, the body often in the low blood volume and hypercoagulable state spit, diarrhea, the use of antihypertensive drugs and diuretic A large number of diuretic, can make a substantial reduction in renal blood perfusion, and thus reduce the glomerular filtration rate, leading to acute renal failure. In addition, nephrotic syndrome, renal interstitial edema, protein formation of tubular obstruction of renal tubular and other factors, can also induce acute renal failure.
(5) electrolyte and metabolic disorders: repeated use of diuretics or long-term unreasonable ban salt, can make secondary to nephrotic syndrome patients with hyponatremia; the use of adrenal cortex hormones and a large number of diuretics lead to a large number of urination, Potassium, prone to hypokalemia.
On the hazards of nephrotic syndrome to introduce you here, would like to know more information, you can refer to the site of the article concerned about the hospital network to remind you: the occurrence of nephrotic syndrome to early check and treatment, so as not to miss the opportunity to treat The Finally, Xiaobian on behalf of the heart hospital all the staff wish you good health, good mood.
