The diagnostic basis of nephritis

There are many people with nephritis, and there are many types of nephritis.
So what do you know about the diagnosis of nephritis?
So let's see what the diagnostic criteria are for nephritis.
Nephritis is the most common type of basic, and for women, there are also people with nephritis.

Nephritis can be divided into primary and secondary groups, or can be classified into two types: chronic and acute.
No matter what type of nephritis, there is a great harm to the physical and mental health of the patient.
The diagnostic basis of nephritis
1, edema
About half of the patients had edema at the beginning of the inuresis, with the face and lower extremity as the weight.
Once the edema occurs, it is difficult to subside.
This is one of the diagnostic criteria for nephritis.
2. Routine urine changes
Start with less urine, or less urine, or even urine.
It can be accompanied with macroscopic hematuria, duration and duration, but the hematuria continues to exist in the mirror, and the routine changes of urine are basically the same as that of acute glomerulonephritis.
This also belongs to the diagnostic basis of nephritis.
3. Renal impairment
Continuous aggravation is characteristic of the disease.
The glomerular filtration rate was significantly reduced and renal tubule dysfunction was present.
The diagnosis of nephritis is more common.
4. Hypertension
Some patients are treated with the symptoms of high blood pressure, and doctors need them to test and urinate before they know that chronic nephritis raises blood pressure.
For chronic nephritis patients, the occurrence of high blood pressure is a process of sooner or later, the blood pressure increases can be sustained, also can appear intermittently, and diastolic blood pressure (above 12.7 kPa) to the extent of the characteristics of high blood pressure also have great individual differences, light person only 21.3/12-21.3/12.
7-13.3 kPa, the serious can even exceed 26.7/14.7 kPa.
