The western diet is speeding up our kidney damage

In the past two decades, due to the westernization of diet structure and lifestyle, our health is undergoing unprecedented tests.
Increased obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and chronic kidney disease are associated with a western diet.
Today let's talk about the characteristics and hazards of western diets, and then teach you how to eat healthy kidneys.
Western diet characteristics
Highly processed, high in sugar, high in salt, high in fat and high in protein, are considered to be the characteristics of the western diet!
This combination not only aggravates the renal vascular burden, but also leads to increased fat, body inflammation, high blood pressure, and kidney hormone regulation.

High machining
Western countries like to standardize everything, and food is no exception.
Fresh food, processed into a uniform standard, in this process, various additives, preservatives, sweeteners, as well as various processed foods, into our bodies.
The evidence shows that processed red meat is associated with kidney cancer.
A large amount of sodium and phosphorus in processed foods can accelerate kidney damage.
High fat
The western diet USES a lot of cheese, cheese, butter and hydrogenated oils, with high levels of saturated and trans fats.
A study of 190,000 people showed a clear link between eating saturated fat and high albuminuria.
A high fat diet will also produce a result - fat!
The great danger of obesity need not be said, it can cause great damage to the kidney directly or indirectly.
High protein
Large amounts of meat are also a feature of western diets.
Steaks, sausages, Fried chicken, etc., are very high in protein.
Many studies have shown that excessive red meat consumption is associated with many diseases, including impaired kidney function.
For people who already have kidney damage, excessive protein increases the burden of the kidneys, leading to a rapid decline in kidney function and ultimately kidney failure (uremia).
High sugar
In the past few decades, sugar consumption around the world continue to rise, including coke, Sprite, such as carbonated drinks, and ice tea, wang ji and other Chinese drinks, contain large amounts of glucose and fructose (or).
Lots of sugary drinks are also prone to obesity.
The addition of fructose can lead to higher uric acid, abnormal lipid, and accelerated CKD development.
High salt
High salt intake is a recognized risk factor for proteinuria and kidney disease development.
French fries, potato chips, tomato sauce and sausage are big salt.
Studies have shown that a high-salt diet can lead to kidney damage and increased proteinuria.
In fact, the traditional Chinese diet is superior to the western diet in many ways.
In combination with the advantages of Chinese and western diets, the following points are summarized to help us to eat healthy kidneys together.
1. Reduce the purchase of processed food, semi-finished products, or eating out. Try to cook with fresh fresh ingredients at home.
2. Drink less and drink water. Drink a glass of milk each day.
3. Adhere to the traditional Chinese diet model with rice noodles as the main source of energy, and there is more and more evidence that plant-based foods have great health benefits.
4. Replace some red meat with fish and tofu, reduce the consumption of animal fat, and use vegetable oil as cooking oil.
Eat fresh vegetables and fruits to ensure your dietary fiber intake.
People with normal kidney function eat more coarse grains, and people with renal impairment eat more low-protein staple foods.
