Why do the kidney patients suffer from anemia?

Kidney damage can effect the secretion of erythropoietin, which is a major cause of renal anemia. In addition, some toxic and harmful substances in the blood may also affect the generation and metabolism of red blood cells, so anemia is one of the most common complications in kidney disease patients. Hence, the treatment of renal anemia should be focused on kidney and blood.
Anemia, caused by kidney disease, will in turn lead to renal ischemia and hypoxia so as to aggravate the kidney disease, and can also cause damage to other organs, especially the heart.
What should renal anemia patients eat?
1.Food with high protein and iron. High protein foods such as lean meat, fish, eggs, milk, etc. Iron foods, such as lean meat, egg white, milk, longan pulp, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, celery, rape, raisin, jujube, orange, grapefruit, figs, etc.
2.Patients with gastric acid deficiency should properly eat acidic foods, such as more foods containing vitamin C to increase gastric acid which can convert inorganic iron to organic iron.
3.Diet for uremic anemia is different from general diet.
1)Limit the intake of protein, to reduce the non-protein nitrogen in the blood and kidney burden. The intake of protein should be 20-30g per day for an adult.
(2)Control salt intake. If patients suffer from serious edema, they should avoid salt. If the edema is not obvious, low-salt diet is a good choice for the patients.
(3)Supply enough fruits, vegetables, sugar juice so as to ensure nutritional needs. Patients with small urine volume should not eat food containing high potassium.
(4)Avoid drinking strong liquor and eating greasy and spicy food.
Patients should have more rest, avoid fatigue and cold and prevent skin and oral infections. Patients should also have a stable mood. Diets should contain enough calories and low protein. But the quality of protein must be high(high quality animal protein) and avoid vegetable protein such as soy production. If patients suffer from edema, salt intake should be controlled. If edema is severe, water intake should also be limited.
