The Diet Principle for Nephrotic Syndrome patients

The symptoms of nephrotic syndrome are proteinuria, hyperlipidemia, serious swelling and hypoalbuminemia, so diet principle is very important. Specific requirements are as follows:

  1. Lower salt
  The amount of salt should be based on the degree of edema of the patients.   Patients with serious swelling should avoid salt. Mild-swelling patients should take a low-salt diet (amount of salt is about 3 grams per day),when edema disappeared completely and serum albumin return to normal ,the patients could  resume normal diet.
  2. Protein intake requirements
  Patients with nephrotic syndrome discharge a large number of proteinuria every day. Hypoproteinemia decreased colloid osmotic pressure. Thus, the swelling becomes stubborn and is difficult to release, the body’s immunity and resistance continuously decrease. So the protein intake requirements are as follows:
  (1) In the absence of renal failure, the protein intake of nephrotic syndrome adult patients should be 90-100 grams per person everyday to maintain a positive nitrogen balance.
  (2) When in poor appetite, the patients could take 1 gram protein per  kilogram weight per day. The Chinese  medicine which regulates spleen and stomach and the diuretics are also permissible to reduce gastrointestinal edema.
  (3) When the appetite improved, the patient can increase the protein intake gradually up to 1.5 grams/kg per day.
  (4) When the appetite is perfect, the patients are allowed to eat freely. If the plasma albumin increase to normal or edema disappeared ,the patients could  resume normal diet.
  3. Fat intake requirements
  Patients with nephrotic syndrome always have hyperlipemia. Patients with small lesions will recover in short time, the fat intake is unlimited. As to refractory nephrotic syndrome, especially membranous nephropathy, patients should be strictly limited fat and food which is rich in animal fats.
  4.Vitamins, calcium, microelements intake
  Patients with nephrotic syndrome lost a lot of protein and other elements which are combined with protein in urine. Thus, the patients are lack of vitamins, calcium and microelements. So they can supplement these elements by medication or diet.
