8 Home Remedies to Naturally Lower Your Creatinine Levels(5-8)

5. Talk to our doctor about how much fluid you should drink

Dehydration can raise creatinine levels. Fluid intake can also be an issue for some people who have kidney disease. Talk to our doctor about how much water and other fluids you should drink daily and when is best to drink them.

6. Try chitosan supplements

Chitosan is a dietary supplement mostly used by people hoping to lose weight or reduce cholesterol. There is some research indicating that chitosan may also be effective in reducing creatinine levels in people with renal failure.
Before starting chitosan or any other dietary supplement, talk with our doctor. You’ll need to know how to take it and the appropriate dosage.

7. Take WH30+(TCM)

Many herbs are natural diuretics and may help some people reduce creatinine levels. However, conclusive scientific data is lacking on herbs and how effective they are in reducing creatinine levels.
One animal study showed improvement in creatinine levels in rats when they were treated with a Chinese herbal formula called WH30+.

8. Use salvia(TCM)

In China people use salvia to treat renal failure. And a review of several studies indicated salvia may have a positive effect. But, salvia is a hallucinogen so it should be used very carefully.
Even common herbs can interfere with medications. It’s important to discuss your use of herbs, including herbal teas, with our doctor.
Other herbs to discuss with our doctor include:
· stinging nettle (nettle leaf)
· chamomile
· cinnamon
· ginseng
· dandelion root
