Guard against pediatric kidney disease , these five habits to quit

一、Kidney disease in children

1. Primary kidney disease : and the patient’s own immune dysfunction related . Simple nephropathy is a common type commonly found in children between 2 and 7 years of age , in addition to the symptoms of kidney disease , not accompanied by microscopic examination of hematuria or high blood pressure .

2. Congenital kidney disease : this situation is relatively rare , usually from infancy .

3. Secondary kidney disease : secondary to lupus , malaria , allergic purpura , mosquito bites , metal or drug poisoning .

二、Five injured kidney habit

1. More calcium

Calcium will hurt the kidneys ? That;s right ! Both elderly and children , or the majority of female compatriots in the full implementation of good health habits , may become the culprit kidney damage . Li Ya chun , director of pediatrics , said children over-calcium may increase the burden on the kidneys , a lot of calcium through the kidneys , the kidneys too late to filter , some of which will form crystals in the kidneys , further formation of kidney stones , eventually leading to renal failure .

Expert advice : calcium to science , parents do not blindly give children calcium . As long as the normal digestion and absorption of children , balanced diet , there is no need for additional calcium supplement . 

Similarly , some trace minerals ( minerals ) supplements that are on the market are not free to buy for children if not necessary , otherwise it may cause kidney damage . Indeed lack of certain types of nutrients , it is recommended that reasonable under the guidance of specialist physicians .

2. More exercise

Appropriate exercise certainly does not hurt the kidneys . However , strenuous exercise , excessive exercise may cause acute renal damage . Sudden high-intensity exercise may occur rhabdomyolysis . Renal internal Medicine Director Yuqing explained , strenuous exercise easily lead to muscle cell necrosis , resulting in a substance called myoglobin , a large amount of myoglobin into the bloodstream filtered out of the kidneys may block the kidneys tissue , severe cases lead to acute renal failure .

April 2015 , Changsha , a female white -collar workers to participate in the company to expend training , do 700 deep squats , waist and legs soreness . Three days later , the urine was “ dark brown ” and sent to the hospital for treatment was diagnosed with motor rhabdomyolysis renal failure .

Expert advice : exercise moderate amount . Do not go beyond their own ability to carry out high-intensity exercise , should be carried out step by step exercise to achieve a healthy body size .

3. Drink yogurt

Case : compared to other carbonated drinks , sweet drinks , yogurt is a more healthy drink , but also can not drink !

Expert explanation : Li Ya chun director said that the market a lot of yogurt , in the pursuit of good taste , tent to use thickener , in addition there are preservatives , sweeteners , flavor and other additives . Children’s kidney function development is not perfect , freguent consumption of such foods containing additives is also a burden on children’s kidneys and even damaged kidney function .

Expert advice : 1 year old baby is best not to drink yogurt . Give your baby to eat yogurt as far as possible to choose natural fermentation , no thickener , flavor and other additives varieties . If the baby gastrointestinal digestive function is not good , try to choose a regular probiotic preparation under the guidance of a specialist , do not buy so-called probiotic yogurt .

4. Too thin to eat more meat

Case : tiantian 5 years old because of urinary foam and more to the hospital for examination , found to be proteinuria , but also renal function damage . After careful inquiry doctors learned that , as a child a small word , too thin , mom heard people buy a lot of children to buy protein powder for children to eat . The grandmother is a day to make a lot of delicious high-protein foods for children , ribs when eating , dry eggs when eating snacks . 

The results of excessive protein intake , kidney burden heavy and damaged .

Expert advice : for children with normal digestion and absorption function , there is no need for additional protein powder , otherwise it will increase the burden on the kidneys , but may damage renal function . In the diet , it should be nutritionally balanced , not picky eaters , partial eclipse , coupled with reasonable living habits , proper physical activity , the baby will naturally be healthy and healthy growth .

5. Too weak to eat tonic

Case : Jiajia 7 years old has been frail , not a cold cough is stomach pain , diarrhea , is linked to antibiotics , eat probiotics , family worry endless . Her mother took her everywhere to seek medical treatment , ate a lot of nutrition , health products , tonic , cordyceps sinensis , Taizishen stew eating . However , her situation has not seen improvement . Instead , in a physical examination , the doctor pointed out that the child’s kidneys were a bit damaged and needed further observation to stop the abuse of drugs .

Expert advice : poor health of your baby can be corrected by scientific nutrition treatment , can also be improved by Chinese medicine conditioning . However , avoid misuse of tonic , abuse of nutrients , health products . Some traditional Chinese medicine has nephrotoxicity that can damage the kidneys . Some nutrients , health care products , the composition in unknown , it may hurt the body’s delicate kidneys .
