Nephropathy diet program(1—4)

1.Limit sodium intake

 Salt mainly sodium ions on the kidney damage the most , so we often say that to limit salt intake , should be strictly limited sodium intake . No swelling , stable patient’s salt intake is less than 4g . Swelling , hypertension daily dietary salt intake does not exceed 2~3g . Patients with high swelling , the daily amount of sodium should be less than 0.5g , the best should avoid salt .

Get used to reading labels before buying and eating food , knowing the content and proportion of various components of food helps to calculate your daily intake . Try to avoid eating processed cheese , canned meat , salted foods or smokes meat , these things tent to have high salt content . Add less salt when cooking food , and use lemon , vanilla , or some other salt instead of salt to increase the scent of the food . In addition , including some sodium flavor , nutrition additives and health products should be wary of consumption .

2.Protein intake is reasonable

 Good kidney function , normal protein diet ( 1.5~2g/kg body weight/day , total 100~120g/day ) , to correct and prevent the plasma protein, anemia and malnutrition swelling . Renal insufficiency , according to the level of serum creatinine to develop different low-protein diet program . Into the dialysis , protein , vitamins and other nutrients lost from the dialysis , diet should be the original low-protein diet to high-quality protein , high-calorie , low-salt low-potassium diet , the increased demand for protein , adults by 1.2~1.3g/kg body weight/day intake .

Some people only know that protein means pork , beef , lamb , fish , chicken and other animal protein , but neglected some plant proteins such as beans , cereals and fruits and vegetables . The order of these sources is : animal protein > vegetable protein > vegetable and fruits . Late stage of kidney disease , such as azotemia , uremia period , the protein catabolism in the body , resulting in harmful to human toxic substances - ammonia . Therefor , low-protein diet should be used high-quality selection of high-quality protein , such as milk , eggs , lean meat , fish and so on , can reduce the production of ammonia , reduce the burden on the kidneys .

3.Reasonable moisture intake

Nephropathy patients often appear as swelling due to excessive water in the body can not be properly discharged , at this point should be strictly controlled moisture intake , daily intake of water should be based on the day before the urine to be set , usually not more than 1000ml , should pay attention to the food itself contains water , such as noodles , wonton soup with water content of food . When patients with dry mouth thirst , obviously , can drink a small amount of corn whiskey , watermelon juice , melon soup to facilitate water swelling . No obvious swelling in patients with normal drinking without having to specifically increase the amount of water .

4.Low-fat diet

The kidney is a blood vessel organ , hyperlipidemia these atherosclerosis , glomerular injury risk factors will affect the function of the kidneys . In addition , it is noteworthy that some studies have shown , trans fatty acids can significantly increase low-density lipoprotein , reduce high-density lipoprotein levels , stimulate the production of inflammatory mediators , resulting in vascular endothelial dysfunction , therefore , low-fat diet is not only to reduce fat intake but pay attention to the type of fatty acid intake . Therefore , not only should control the animal offal , fat , seafood , animal oil and other foods rich in cholesterol and fat intake , should avoid eating foods rich in trans-fatty acids .
