Diet conditioning in patients with chronic Kidney disease

Chronic nephritis is a chronic disease of great harm to the human body, its duration is long, the disease will be because of the influence of various factors change. Therefore, the principle of diet in patients with chronic nephritis is not fixed, with the changes of the patient timely adjusted accordingly. 

1 low protein, low phosphorus diet 

The problem of protein intake is almost all kidney patients have to face the problem, intake will have obvious influence on the development of the disease and rehabilitation of chronic nephritis patients, the incidence of early or acute exacerbation, with a certain degree of oliguria, edema or symptoms of poor appetite, protein intake should be appropriate control, but not too much, especially in patients with weight loss, otherwise it may affect the body's immunity, is not conducive to the rehabilitation of the disease In general, the daily per kilogram of body weight to 1 grams of protein is best. When a large number of diuresis edema, symptoms improved, should be timely to increase protein intake, to supplement a diuretic when loss of protein, especially for patients with chronic nephritis nephropathy. If further development of chronic nephritis, lead to severe renal damage, appear uremia when the renal excretion of metabolites on protein function is reduced, so that the body b.u.n. increase, then we must strictly limit the supply of protein intake, only a small amount of protein in the body to maintain basic metabolic needs. 

2 adequate carbohydrate 

Patients with chronic nephritis due to restricted protein intake, the heat is mainly composed of carbohydrates to supply, so dietary carbohydrate should be increased, in order to meet the body needs for energy. In addition, provide adequate heat can reduce the consumption of protein, reduce the burden on the kidneys, and can make a small amount of protein intake and growth of tissue to repair completely for patients with chronic nephritis. Foods are pasta, potatoes, lotus root starch. 

3.Limiting sodium salt 

In the stable stage of chronic nephritis patients, general symptoms of chronic nephritis edema is not obvious, not to limit salt intake, as long as you don't eat salty food. When the patients with severe edema, heart failure or hypertensive encephalopathy, to strictly limit the intake of salt, not only can not eat salt intake. Other foods contain sodium, such as soda crackers, dried meat floss. For patients in remission, stable in order to gradually increase the salt intake.
