Nephropathy diet program(5—7)

5.Lat should limit the phosphorus intake

Patients with advanced kidney disease often appear a series of symptoms such as osteoporosis , itchy skin , this is due to excretion of blood lead to increased phosphorus , calcium and phosphorus imbalance , at this point should develop a program of low-phosphorus diet , try to avoid eating phosphorus-rich foods , such as yeast , whole grains , dried beans , nuts , seafood , animal offal , brain , beer , carbonated drinks and so on . Most protein-rich foods , such as some dairy products ( such as milk , yogurt , meat and eggs ) also contain high levels of phosphorus , this requires that patients who need normal intake of protein to choose foods with low phosphorus protein food , should take a small amount or avoid taking the phosphoprotein ratio of food at the same time , proposed reference to the food phosphoprotein ratio table , calculate the daily food intake .

6.Pay attention to potassium intake

Hyperkalemia is a common and clinically extremely dangerous complication in patients with chronic renal insufficiency , severe cardiac arrest may occur , sudden death . Hyperkalemia with a significant increase in the incidence of creatinine increased . Therefore , patients with renal dysfunction should be regularly tested for serum potassium levels , for patients with mild increase should pay attention to avoid eating too much potassium foods , such as oranges , red dates , bananas , pineapples , watermelons and so on . The more elevated patients , you need to be under the guidance of a doctor medication , more serious need dialysis treatment . It should be noted that drugs ( such as certain antihypertensive drugs , diuretics and so on ) easily lead to hyperkalemia , patients with abnormal serum potassium should pay special attention to the use of such drugs , and under the guidance of a doctor to develop and adjust the medication program . There are also some alternatives to salt that are often high in potassium , which should be used in more detail .

In addition , some patients with kidney disease because of poor appetite , repeated vomiting , large amounts of diuretic and other factors , lead to inadequate intake of potassium , lost too much , there may be hyperkalemia . Some specific kidney diseases , such as different types of renal tubular acidosis , are also prone to hyperkalemia , at this time , you need to eat more foods rich in potassium .

7.Appropriate to add minerals and vitamins

As nephropathy glomerular basement membrane permeability increased , in addition to losing a lot of urine protein , but also lose some of the trace elements associated with the protein , cause the body of calcium , magnesium , zinc , iron and other elements of the lack of , should be given appropriate to meet the needs of the body , and vitamin C is conducive to the absorption of iron . Generally can eat vitamins and trace elements rich in vegetables , fruits , grains and so on to be supplemented .
