How to treat patients with high creatinine

How to treat people with high creatinine in the blood? When creatinine levels rise above the normal range of 0.5-1.3 mg / dL, we should be vigilant as this may indicate serious kidney damage. Contact the doctor online for more details quickly and directly for free.

Therefore, at that time, we need to do further tests to see if serum creatinine levels increase because of kidney disease. If so, we are generally treated as follows:

First, control all symptoms with oral medications.

Symptoms such as high blood pressure, proteinuria and anemia, although they appear to be due to a decrease in kidney function, accelerate the disease directly. For this reason, we must control them so that we can effectively treat kidney problems and reduce high creatinine levels. Many medications such as ACE inhibitors and ARBs can be used to help us achieve the goal of controlling the symptoms and the medications prescribed should be based on the specific disease status of the patients.

Second, repair the intrinsic cells of the injured kidney.

In a healthy kidney, there are tens and thousands of intrinsic kidney cells like glomerular epithelial cells and glomerular mesangial cells and so on. These intrinsic cells of the kidney play a different role while the kidneys work. When damaged and not functioning properly for some reason, kidney function decreases. Therefore, repairing intrinsically injured kidney cells to strengthen kidney function is also an essential part. As a rule of thumb, when injured intrinsic kidney cells are repaired, kidney function increases. In such a condition, excess creatinine in the blood will be evacuated successfully. Therefore, repairing injured kidney cells is very important for patients with kidney disease to effectively lower their creatinine level.

Finally, healthy lifestyle.

A well-planned diet is necessary and beneficial for patients with kidney failure. They have to make different diet changes and this is usually based on their specific diet. Although the diet for patients with kidney disease differs from one case to another, they usually need to limit salt intake, potassium intake and phosphorus intake and so on.

Develop healthy lifestyle habits and avoid bad habits like drinking excess alcohol, smoking, staying up all night and so on.
