Does kidney shrink equal to kidney failure

Kidney failure is a kind of pathological condition caused by parts or the whole kidney function lost. It can be divided into two styles according to its acute and chronic.

Kidney shrink refers to kidney size is smaller or has obvious shrink according to their age, gender and height,weight. Long term kidney disease cause to kidney units especially for glomerular damage make kidney shrink.

There are many diseases are caused by kidney function lost, and many symptoms are almost the same, renal shrink and renal failure happens almost at the same time. But renal shrink and renal failure is not the same, renal failure is clinical syndrome, usually caused by chronic kidney disease, it is because long term of kidney function reduction. While kidney shrink is a symptoms of kidney starts shrinking. Kidney failure is not renal shrink. Renal shrink caused by renal failure.

In the early stage of kidney failure, kidney size will increase due to overload of kidney. While in the late stage of kidney failure, most of kidney units are damaged, so kidney size turns to be smaller. They are two different symptoms, kidney failure refers to kidney function abnormal, kidney can not discharge out of toxins and wastes effectively. Kidney failure can be caused by many factors, some factors are caused by kidney function decreasing in a speed rate. While other reasons might cause to kidney function lost gradually and finally down to chronic kidney failure. 
