Chronic renal failure how to control creatinine it?

Every year in the physical examination report, we can see a series of indicators of blood tests, creatinine is one of them Under normal circumstances will only be higher than 130 when there will be an arrow marked, this time is already late.If men above 90, if the female is higher than 80, it is necessary to timely medical treatment of nephrology,Because creatinine once goes up, it means that the damage of renal function, the damage of renal function for a long time is irreversible.Chronic renal failure control of creatinine is very necessary, we must promptly carry out the relevant measures.

First, chronic renal failure control of creatinine, you can adjust the diet to achieve, such as peacetime to eat less too much on the fire or greasy food, eat more vegetables and fruits, can have a certain disease The promotion effect.

Second, in the control of chronic renal failure when creatinine control, we must take more rest, only to maintain adequate sleep time can help the recovery of the disease, if not enough sleep quality for a long time, the patient's recovery is Very unfavorable.

Third, patients with creatinine in chronic renal failure control, if it is some smoking or drinking in patients with active smoking and abstinence to control creatinine, alcohol and tobacco on the body injuries are relatively large , Must be promptly banned.

When we find abnormal blood tests for kidney function, the loss of renal function may have exceeded 50%.Similarly, other indicators of abnormalities should also be taken seriously, so as not to miss the best time for diagnosis and treatment, resulting in irremediable fault.
