How to ease the kidney disease when you not have effect treatment:

Attention to self-protection, prevent infection: any infection will increase the nephritis condition. The resistance of Chronic nephritis is low, so easy to infection, should prevent seriously. The infection always appear in respiratory tract, urinary tract and skin, so should to avoid catch a cold . 

In the cold season, don't go to public places and paty attention the oral cavityl, perineum and skin clean. if antecedent infection occurred, should go to see a doctor immediately, timely treatment, do not delay. Must have the appropriate physical activity, and to avoid over fatigue: many patients with chronic nephritis have such experience when too much physical activity, urine protein and (or) blood in the urine condition more heavy, then put on weight, and after the break, especially after bed rest then feel better. But chronic nephritis patients should not long-term bed rest.

 If not for a long time no physical activity, also harmful for the body. Will make resistance reduce more. So for chornic kidney disease patient must have their own way of life. Havring suitable physical activity and also not too heavy .Then helpful for kidney patients.

The seconed one is keep a good mood ,that is opsmistic .Because of the kidney disease is a chornic disease and always relasped. Also no right treatment to cure ,all these reasons make them feel tired and disappointted to look fo rnew way to help. But keep a good mood really binifit for the kidney disease.. If you can adjust the diet and activity ,Then always keep good mood, also a good way to control the disease and improve the condition.
