The etiology and mechanism of Uremia

Uremia is a product of Nitrogen Metabolism and other toxic substances cannot be discharged and accumulation in the body, in addition to disorder water, electrolyte and acid-base balance , and may result in lesions of multiple organs and systems.

Digestive System : The accumulation of urea in the body discharge into the digestive tract, in the role of intestinal bacterial urease the formation of ammonia, cellulose can stimulate gastrointestinal mucosa caused by inflammation, and even ulceration and bleeding.Wide range of diseases, from the mouth, esophagus, until the rectum can be involved. Urotoxia esophagitis, gastritis, colitis are the common phenomenone. Patients often have nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, blood in the stool, and other symptoms.
Heart and Lung Disease areas : water-sodium retention, renal ischemia, increased  renin secretion of renin hypertension which suffered for long-term effects can cause heart failure. High blood urea into the pericardium and Pleura can cause pleurisy with fibrinous pericarditis and cellulose. Pericardial and pleural friction can be heard by auscultation.Heart failure can cause pulmonary edema. Blood urea from respiratory discharges can cause respiratory tract inflammation, along the alveolar wall can sometimes have a transparent membrane formation ; increased pulmonary capillary permeability, in the alveolar cavity there's a lot of fibrin and monocyte coming from, very few neutrophils, known as uremia pneumonia.
