Children nephritis

Children nephritis belong to autoimmune disease, patients age mostly range in 5-10 years old. 1-4 weeks after streptococcal infection, swelling appears on the eyelids from the start, at the same time, there is protein and red cells in the urine at laboratory inspection.

Therefore, children acute nephritis turns to be more and more, this is because the whether is hot, children is easy to have diseases caused by streptococcus, amygdalitis, pharyngitis and scarlatina and so on. on the autumn, body have allergic reaction to streptococcal toxin and then causing to children acute nephritis.

After having acute nephritis, patients always have symptoms like high blood pressure, fever, fatigue, poor appetite and nausea and so on.

After having acute nephritis, whether illness condition is serious or not, they should be rest at the bed about 1-2 weeks, avoiding sever activity and at the same time, giving patients low salt diet with high glucose, appropriate fat.

Daily care of acute glomerular nephritis patients is important to earlier recover, if you do not pay attention to rest or have improper treatment, it would be easy to prolong disease course, anemia, kidney function damage would appear and turn to be chronic nephritis.

So how to nurse chronic glomerular nephritis ?

Patients should pay attention to rest after disease in the first two weeks. When the swelling reduce, blood pressure become normal, gross blood urine disappear, they can do some slight activities, after 2-3 months of disease, their illness condition recover to normal range.

On diet: their parents should adjust their diet habits according to illness condition. In the early stage of disease, patients have swelling, high blood pressure, less urine volume, they should choose no salt diet. If swelling disappears, they can choose some low salt diet. When urine volume is less, wastes such as nitrogen and potassium is difficult to discharge out of our body.

 Therefore they also should control the intake of protein and potassium food. When the urine volume recovers to normal level, swelling disappears and blood pressure becomes normal, they can recover to normal level.

In the daily life, acute glomerular nephritis patients should keep fresh air in the room. Especially to prevent respiratory tract infection, for it will aggravate the illness condition. 
