How Do Kidney Patients Protect Themselves from Infections

Kidney patients are more prone to infection. In some severe cases, they die of it. How do kidney patients protect themselves from infections? Read on to learn more information.

Why kidney patients are prone to infections?

-Compared with healthy people, kidney patients are born with poor immune system. That is why you get kidney disease while others do not even though you live in the same environment.

-The commonly used medications for kidney disease such as steroids and immunosuppressants can make your immunity lower, because their function is to suppress your immune system so as to reduce kidney inflammation.

-Massive protein leakage can cause hypoproteinemia, and then there are not enough protein to make antibodies. In such a case, your immunity becomes poor as well.

-Diet restriction may restrain you from supplementing enough nutrients, which can affect your immune system, too.

Treatment to protect kidney patients from infections

The fundamental way is to strengthen your immunity. In the daily, you can take part in exercises and adjust your diet. You can also change those western medicine to natural treatment which does not so many side effects. Here we recommend you a systemic Chinese medicine treatment. It is Toxin-Removing Treatment. This treatment has been practiced in Beijing Tongshantang Hospitalof Traditional Chinese Medicine for years and proved to be effective. It can increase urine output, improve bowel movement and make you sweat to remove waste products out of body and reduce their deposition in the blood. It can also improve blood circulation and increase blood flow into damaged kidneys so that enough essential elements can be transported into damaged kidneys to speed up kidney recovery. In addition, it can adjust the abnormal immune system and strengthen immunity to fight against the disease and reduce its relapse. After about half month’s treatment, your symptoms such as swelling, weakness, high blood pressure, anemia and so on will get relieved. With the treatment going on, you will feel better.

How do kidney patients protect themselves from infections? Hope the above treatment can help you. If you would like to get help from renal patients for free, please leave a message below or send emails to Our renal experts will contact you later when they are free.
