Nephropathy should eat so

In addition to treatment , the most entangled kidney patients is the diet problem , because the Internet is flooded with a large number of  eat x x lead to renal failure  or  x x eat uremia  and the like articles , let everyone feel lost .

Nephropathy diet in the end how to solve it ?

What is the  light diet ?

The so-called  light , in fact , refers to the intake of sodium ions , this is not easy to grasp accurately , and the specific conditions of each patient are not the same ( such as whether the swelling , there is no high blood pressure and so on ) , so the general statement is , patients with normal renal function daily salt control in less than 6 grams , patients with renal insufficiency daily salt control in 3 grams or less . Why should doctors reduce renal sodium intake to patients ? There are two reasons : first , sodium ions easily lead to hold water , also known as swelling in patients with kidney disease . Second , sodium ions may cause high blood pressure , hypertension patients with kidney damage is still relatively large .
We can see from these two statements , physicians salt patients with kidney disease , is afraid of causing swelling and high blood pressure , thereby aggravating kidney disease . We also know that one of the main functions of the kidneys is to regulate the electrolyte , sodium ion metabolism is also within its regulatory range , so if the kidneys regulate electrolyte function properly , there is virtually no reason to limit salt .

From this we can draw the following conclusions : not limited to salt , depending on whether the patient has swelling , hypertension or electrolyte imbalance , if not , you do not need salt .
What is :high-quality low-protein diet  ?

High-quality protein , in fact , is the most easily absorbed protein , that is , the closest amino acid pattern of human protein . Why say  low protein  ? Because most kidney disease patients have urinary protein-positive symptoms , that is , protein leakage , this leak can damage kidney cells , especially glomerular podocytes , which in turn leads to more protein leakage .

In summary , high-quality low-protein diet is to ensure that the bodys normal protein requirements , but also ensure that the protein does not have too much damage to renal cells .

The representatives of high-quality protein is fish , meat , eggs , milk and so on . 
