Common symptoms of diabetic nephropathy

Kidney insufficiency

Once you have kidney disease, its course would be progressive until down to Azotemia and uremia. These symptoms is common.
Glomerular filtration pressure increases and charge changing on filtration membranous, there just are micro albumin appears, this symptom is called as collective proteinuria. No increasing of globin. This condition can insist on many years.
Urine volume decreasing
Parts of patients’ urine volume will decrease with the illness condition deteriorates due to kidney filtration rate decreasing. There are also many patients, their urine volume is normal, but discharged toxins in urine decrease. So we can’t judged the kidney condition totally by urine volume. This is also a kind of symptom of diabetic nephropathy
Swelling is an obvious symptoms in early stage of uremia, it is because that kidney can’t remove out of excess water. In the early stage, swelling appears in ankles and eyelid, disappears after rest. When it down to systemic swelling and continuity, it will be the typical uremia stage.
High blood pressure
High blood pressure is common in kidney disease patient, while high blood pressure will accelerate kidney development and deterioration. This is also a manifestation of early diabetic nephropathy.
For diabetic nephropathy with serious azotemia, they will have light or middle serious anemia, no curative effects after using chalybeate. Anemia is caused by red cell formation obstruct, which is relate to long term protein diet limitation. This is also a symptom of diabetic nephropathy. 
