Damage of being sedentary

Harm to heart disease
Being sedentary is ease to cause to slow down of blood circulation, which will make heart function failed and cause to myocardial hypotrophy. Especially for some aged persons who have diseases like arteriosclerosis. Being sedentary is easy to cause to myocardial infarction and cerebral infaction for slowing of blood circulation.

Harm to lung
Being sedentary will influence the normal breathe, it will make lung in shallow breathing. In this condition, just upper part of lung is working. But the below part of lung will stop working. In a long-term, the whole lung can’t take effects, it will lose its function of breathe in a long term, it also influence blood supplement of heart and lung and cause to decreasing of heart function and lung function. Common aged lung systemic disease such as infection of emphysema, long term no cure, mostly have closely relation with lung function.
Harm to bone
Being sedentary, we keep a fixed posture,  intervertebral disc and interspinous ligaments be in a tension condition in a long term, which will cause to pain in back and neck. Or difficult to turn round. Especially, unfit sitting posture will cause to humpback and hyperostosis. In addition, it also will influence blood circulation of stomach and lower limbs, causing to constipation, piles, joint failed and lower limb numb and cause to varicosity, etc.
It causes to muscle shrink
Chinese medicine think that being sedentary will cause to spleen insufficiency, make muscle loose, and then swelling appears. At the same time, long term being sedentary will cause to muscle stiff, limbs pain or numb, even cause to muscle shrink. Accelerating aging process and life equality decreasing. 
