Salt is closely related to health

Salt maintains the filtration pressure of cells extracellular fluid, influencing the water flowing direction, in addition, it adjusts the balance of pH value. Chloridion take effects of the forming of gastric acid. In fact, 3g-5g salt /everyman/everyday is enough. Due to the difference of living habits and tastes, salt intake is different too, generally 10g-15g is ok everyday.

Salt will cause to gout
Salt contains much sodium, while over sodium intake will cause to  the formation of tophi, and also cause to foreign body nodule, forming to chronic inflammation reaction.
Gout patients is easy to complicate other diseases like atherosclerosis, so they need control sodium intake. Though some gout patients are not sensitive to salt, they also should pay attention, not taking too much salt.
Had better take 3g-4g for gout patients and hyperuricemia patients, they have to reduce the salt intake.
Salt will cause to high blood pressure
Morbidity rate of high blood pressure relevant to volume of salt intake according to research. Usually, gout accompanies with some complication like high blood pressure. Too much salt intake will aggravate kidney burden, which cause to uric acid discharging obstacle and from to vicious circle.
Salt will damage heart
Too much salt intake will damage heart, because too much salt intake will shrink arteriole, and damage heart. Especially for kids, cant give kids food as adults’ standard, which is harm to kids’ body and induce high blood pressure and  amyocardia.
Salt - stomach
Too much salt intake will cause to stomach cancer, in fact there are not carcinogen in the salt, but it damage stomach mucous membrane easily, which help to the the cancer’s formation.
Salt- swelling
Too much salt intake will cause to swelling, amounts of sodium deposited in the body will cause to swelling, aggravating the kidney burden.
Salt is important, but too much is not a good thing, which will be harm to our body, so we must pay attention to the intake of salt! 
