Diet for Patients with Hematuria(Red Blood Cells in Urine)

The medical name for the presence of red blood cells in the urine is haematuria (hematuria). If the blood in the urine is obvious with the naked eye, it is called "macroscopic". If the blood can only be detected with laboratory testing, it is called "microscopic"

The diet for patients with hematuria (red blood cells in urine):
1. Patients with edema should have low-salt diet and drink more water every day.
2. Do not eat spicy food such as scallion, garlic, ginger, pepper, liquor.
3. Do not eat stimulating food like seafood, beef, mutton, animal organs and bean products.
4. Do not eat fried and fatty food and grilled food.
5. Can eat these following foods: celery, shepherd's purse, lotus root, chufa, wax gourd, balsam pear, watermelon, persimmon, apple, pear, sugarcane, lotus seed, peanut, dried persimmon, vivipara, boold clam, agaric etc.
In addition, patients should have enough rest, give up smoking. Also they can do some exercise like walking, but avoid vigorous exercise. Furthermore, they need to prevent colds and infection.
