Kidney Failure

Kidney Failure is a condition where kidneys stop working well enough. Healthy kidneys are responsible for purifying blood by removing excess water and waste products from the body. Also, they secrete some hormones to keep our overall health. However, if kidneys are damaged, they don't work optimally. When more than 85% of kidney function is lost, we call it kidney failure or end-stage renal disease (ESRD)

Because many conditions can lead to kidney failure, kidney failure can happen very suddenly or slowly over time. During this process, many symptoms may happen to worsen patients' condition such as skin itching, muscle cramps, nausea and vomiting, fluid retention, etc. All of these signs and discomforts urge kidney failure patients to take some kidney replacement therapy.
Dialysis is used commonly to replace damaged kidneys to cleanse blood and eliminate waste products. However, the longer patients on dialysis, the weaker their body. This is because dialysis can't be as effective as healthy kidneys, and it can't do anything to restore damaged kidney. Kidney transplant is another treatment option for kidney failure, but not all patients with kidney failure can be the candidate of kidney transplant. Then, new therapies that can reverse kidney damage and improve kidney function are created such as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Immunotherapy and polluted blood therapy. Besides, a healthy diet and lifestyle is also a must to improve patients' overall health as well as kidney condition.
