Daily Care for Nephrotic Syndrome

As the increasingly rapid pace of life, the pressure is more and more heavy. With growing health consciousness, the attention to kidney disease has been paid by public. Once people suffering from nephrotic syndrome and without getting scientic and proper treatment, it will appear a series of negative consequences.

1. Moderate diet
Although fruits and vegetables can stimulate the patient's appetit, patients should take moderate diet strictly. Avoid eatting too much to because it will put more pressure on kidney.
2. Proper exercise
Adequate exercise is helpful for disease recovery. But patients should pay attention to exercise time. It`s better doing exercise in morning and evening and avoid noon or intense sunlight exercise. Pay attention to personal hygiene and avoid infection to prevent aggravate the disease.
3. Suitable environment
Bedroom for patients who suffer from nephrotic syndrome should be capacious and bright and ventilated. Keep the suitable temperature in room. Too low temperature will aggravate the disease because of the flu.
