Why is protein so hard to treat

There is no protein in normal people’s urine, generally said, the urine volume should not be over 0.15g in 24h urine. If it is over this numerical value, it will show positive in test, i.e. +. If it is over 3.5g, it means that it is too much, also named as Renal Proteinuria. Blood flow into kidney for 50 times, in the normal condition, protein is filtered by glomerular, then absorbed by renal tubules and entering into blood again.
Why protein will filter into urine?

Firstly, physiological factor, overloaded work or some vigorous exercises or have a sever mood fluctuation or take some irritant foods would cause to blood circulation acceleration and make times of blood flowing into kidney increase and finally cause to the kidney burden increased. This is physiological reason of proteinuria, but this condition will disappear soonly and will not be more than 2+
Secondly, pathological factor, protein leak caused by renal damage, this kind of renal damage can be glomerular damage or renal tubules damage. Symptoms of this two are different, treatment option is different too, if you found + in your regular urine test, you must be attention! You can judge it according to the above ways.
Two treatment options for eliminating protein in urine
The first one is hormone suppression, this way is the most common way now. Because the function of hormone is reducing the permeability of renal cells, which can force to stop the protein leak. This way has advantages and disadvantages, the advantage is having quick results and this way has been use for a long time, it is more mature, the usage and dose can be controlled easily, and most hospitals can do it. While the disadvantage is easy to repeat, because it just can suppress, can not treat, so it will repeat when the medicine effects disappear and medicine intake stop.
The second is comprehensive treatment, clean the blood and toxins in renal through nursing renal cells so as to stop its deterioration and maintain the renal function and keep the renal compensatory to eliminate urine protein, this way also have advantage and disadvantage, the advantage is that it can treat proteinuria from the root, and isn’t easy to repeat, the disadvantage is having a slow results and the treatment process is complicated, so it can not be treated in other hospitals. 
