How does chronic kidney failure control creatinine?

For chronic renal failure control creatinine, can be done by adjusting the diet, such as usual to eat less too touchy or greasy food, eat more vegetables and fruits, the disease can have a certain role in promoting.
Second in the chronic renal failure control creatinine, must to rest more, only keep enough sleep time, can help the recovery of illness, if don't have enough sleep for long time, for the recovery of patients is also very bad.
Other patients with chronic renal failure control creatinine, if it is some patients with smoking or drinking, should actively control creatinine by quitting smoking and drinking alcohol and tobacco to body harm is bigger, must be banned in a timely manner.
When we found renal function indices abnormal blood test, even if it's just a tiny bit of anomaly, the loss of renal function may have more than 50%, that is equivalent to necrosis of a two kidneys.
So the creatinine increases a little is not a trivial matter, this myth need everyone to know, in the same way, other indicators of abnormal should also pay more attention to, so as not to miss the best treatment period, the seeds of irreversible fault.
