Nephritis causes

1. Overwork: (such as participating in heavy brawn rest and vigorous exercise), burning the midnight oil, and even the room, which is one of the causes of nephritis.
2. By parasitic infection: (such as worms), infection (such as parasites), biological toxin invasion of the body (such as pollen, bee venom), drugs (e.g., penicillamine), heavy metals such as gold, mercury, bismuth, endogenous antigens, malignant tumor, benign tumor and other reasons can lead to different types of glomerulonephritis.So, this is also a common cause of nephritis.
3. The bacteria or virus infection: it also easily lead to the emergence of nephritis diseases, special is the upper respiratory tract infection (normal) and asymptomatic bacteriuria, flu, sore throat, tracheobronchitis can relieve the symptoms of chronic nephritis.
4. Use of renal toxicity drugs: gentamicin, kanamycin and streptomycin, etc., which is also the cause of nephritis.
